Today's Training:
After a good warm up...6x100 yard sprints
Tier I
C.S. Row: 5x10x175
Supinated Mag Handle Lat Pulldown: 5x8x150
Blast Strap Row Single Arm w. twist to open up chest and shoulders
Thoracic Extension: 3x10x135 W ssb yoke bar
Concept II Row: 10x15/45
Ab Wheel : 3x12
Tier II
Elite C.S. Row: 5x8x30
Single Arm Cable Pulldowns w/ twist and lean: 5x8
AirDyne: 10x15/45
45 degree back ext. 5x10
Ab Wheel: 3x12
Bike Commute: I was done early so I left toward the end of the morning rush hour. I should have stayed for Lara. I think less and less of humanity each day. The collective level of stupidity is mind boggling. With as many people on a sidewalk as I was witnessing today, and people still with their dumb ass noses in their devices and bouncing off each other and not a word of apology uttered, I wanted to ride my bike down the middle of the sidewalk and just smash everyone.
I calmly moved through the crowd, trying to make eye contact and smile, but NO! No one was going to be a part of my joy ride.
No wonder the nice is sapped out of everyone.
I like my early mornings more and more. No one is out. Its me and Mother Nature.
I like my mid morning commute. (Lara...I will never leave you alone again!!!) Let everyone else go to work their desk job and lead the life of quiet desperation...give me anything but that!
Not long now until I simply drop off the grid...for good!