My Thursday thought is not old by any means, but it has always confused me. Everyone has something to complain about. It is not the normal stuff you usually see that deals with poor judgment and common areas of debate, but issues with their own training, programming, nutrition, life, drama, and so on. Little things really - but huge things to them.
Here is the part I don’t get. These are the same people that will go trigger mode if somebody disagrees with their beliefs, lives in a way they don’t like, thinks differently, says something they feel is wrong, and so forth. In some cases, they go full blast mode because of something, somebody they have never met,or will ever meet, wrote about them. They simply DO NOT PUT UP WITH IT!
Then I read and hear the things they say about themselves, their shortcomings, and how they feel about themselves. This is what they are posting and writing for the world to see. I can only imagine what they say to themselves everyday, every hour and, perhaps, every minute.
If ANYONE said to them what they say to themselves they would NEVER PUT UP WITH IT! Yet, when they do it to themselves, it’s OK.
These same people will tell others to find new friends as you become like those you hang around with, yet they are not willing to put in some very simple work to change their own self talk.
Ok, you get it. One simple strategy is to first understand we all do it. It’s normal, but how we process it is what’s different. Some ignore it, some create a super ego, and some learn to dance with it. By this, I mean, you just said it... you embrace it... then tell yourself STOP! Then ask if it has a purpose or not. If it does, address it. Most of the time it doesn’t, so bounce the thought away. It comes back... bounce away again. Every time you bounce one away, feed a new one in. The most simple one to feed in is how you have the strength, ability and control to bounce the negative stuff out.
In time, it becomes a habit and your entire life begins to look differently.
Train like garbage and get garbage
Eat garbage and feel like garbage
Think garbage and become...
Why do so many get the first two and miss the last.