We know that eccentric training can be great for building strength, muscle and tissue resiliency. You can do eccentric training with any exercise.
But did you know you can "overload" the eccentric by doing a 2/1 method?
This does require a piece of equipment that allows for it, because as you'll see, you can't really do a 2/1 with the barbell bench press.
The 2/1 method calls for you to lift the weight (works well on some machines) with both limbs (example: leg extension), then only lower the weight with 1 leg. Depending on how heavy the weight is, you might not be able to lower the weight super slow, but the INTENT to lower the weight slowly needs to be there.
In the video below, I show you how to do this with an incline pullup, leg curl machine, leg extension machine, ball leg curl and a bicep curl machine.
Give some of these a try and let me know what you think!