After the weekend of Hockey and mediocre eating, it was a pleasure to get back to being healthier and harder.
I did get a chance to swim outdoors but it was chilly at first then as I struggled agains hypothermia it got a LOT better and the caloric expenditure allowed for massive consumption of BBQ.
This morning's ride was FREEZING as well. In fact, it was so cold I got off the bike and was EXTREMELY dizzy. (and people pay for that)
It was brought to my attention today that some people took it personally that I stopped recording the sets and rep count on the exercise recommendation below.
All I have to say about that is you are too involved with your own self loathing. Get over yourself.
When I hear that other trainers and coaches are plagiarizing my programs and making money from it that I don't even charge, then fuck that!
The years of experience that I have and the success rate beyond the strength and conditioning for EACH person I should charge three times the amount that I do.
Believe me, there is no issue with me spelling things out. But if you benefit from this program and then turn around and re sell it, then how is that fair? It's NOT!~
On the other hand, you are giving it away (like I DO???) Then we have something we agree on.
Everyone wants to be a bad ass until bad ass things need to be done.
Today's Training:
Bike: COLD morning
Hex Bar Dead Lift
Reverse Hyper
45 degree Back Extension
Bike: Not as cold but still
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