Here's the low down. Make the subtle changes where applicable.
Contralateral limb raise: 3x12 (hold a can of soup or refried beans...then I know you like a good Burrito)
Lie facedown with arms outstretched and palms facing each other.
Slowly lift one arm a few inches off the floor, keeping it straight without rotating your shoulders and keeping head and torso still. Hold the position, then lower your arm back down. Repeat on the other side.
For an extra challenge, lift the opposite leg a few inches off the floor at the same time.
Donkey kick: 3x12 (try doing this circus trick with a small pillow in the crook of your knees)
Start in a push-up position with your legs together. Tighten core and kick both legs into the air with knees bent, reaching feet back toward glutes. Try to land gently when returning to the starting position.
Reverse fly: 3x12
For dumbbells, grab two cans or bottles of water then add another small object of equal weights. Not only did we add weight but now we will stress your grip strength as well.
Stand up straight, with one foot in front of the other and your front knee slightly bent.
With palms facing each other and abs engaged, bend forward slightly from your waist and extend arms out to the sides, squeezing shoulder blades.
Superman: 3x12 Use those Garbanzo bean cans again.
Lie facedown with arms and legs extended. Keeping the torso as still as possible, simultaneously raise your arms and legs to form a small curve in your body.
Triceps dip: 3X15 Put your dog or small person on your lap. Oooo...no Pornhub here folks...FOCUS
Sit on the floor near a step or bench, with knees slightly bent. Grab the edge of the elevated surface and straighten your arms.
Bend your arms to a 90-degree angle and straighten again while your heels push into the floor.
Diamond push-up:3x15 Dare we Pornhup this one? Nah...have someone push your back into the ground. I mean ram the heck out of you...you surly bastard..
Get into a push-up position with diamond-shaped hands, so that your thumbs and index fingers touch. Then do push-ups!