For the past 12 weeks, we have been working hard at gaining strength as our main objective in the yearly plan. People have been wondering how long we are going to "push" our strength limits, and now is a good time to transition into a heavy emphasis on Conditioning and Hypertrophy training.
This past weekend the weather was a good reminder that we need to focus on those extra few fluff pounds. After all, with this newfound strength, I think it's fine to show it off a bit too.
So we popped some hearts, added a few reps per set and limited HOW MANY exercises we are going to do for the next 12 weeks!!!
Now, dial in everyone's diet as well.
Today's training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
Meridian Exercises
Prowler: 10x50yds x 50 lbs
GHR: 2x10
Work up in reps of five until you reach a PRE of 6; then do 5x5 at that weight
Back Extension: 3x20
Cable Ab Wheel: 4x10x25
Bike Commute: 27 mins
Sprints: 10x50 yds @75%