Today's Training:
Run*: Has to shorten it because the path was "closed". WHAT? I tried to continue (of course) but it was really CLOSED! Blocked by fence and gate. (too high to scale with my dog)
Cycle*: Commute
Gym: Cleaned! And I mean cleaned. From floor to ceiling (including the crap on the ceiling fans) Equipment had to be wiped down from 12 years of accumulating dirt from an abusive use setting back to my own. Yes, we use heavy weights on it and slam bars into frames, but we don't leave garbage out on it and stack weights (IN ORDER) back on the trees.
Chalk is vacuumed up and then sanitized off the leather/vinyl.
You can literally eat off the floors (or the equipment).
While some gyms claim to be the "Strongest gym in ..." none can claim the title of CLEANEST. That belongs to West Coast Elite S.C.
5 sets of 15 reps of the following:
DB Lateral Raise
DB Front Raise
C/S Rear Delt Raise
Cable Tricep Pushdown
Smith "Drag" Curls
Zig-Zag Bar Skull Crushers
Zig-Zag Bar Curls
4-way Neck
- Blast Strap Row:
- Pushups:
- Fat Grip Dead Hang
- Front Plank
Cycle*: Commute
While it seems like a LOT, it really wasn't. We were having Wi-Fi internet installed and the workman was a bit of a platehead and had a LOT of questions that I didn't mind answering. So THAT's what took a while.
I knew I was in trouble when he sat atop his ladder... LOL.