My lovely bride made a statement yesterday that I had to check the validity of by surveying 20 other ladies in my gym. She said, "women need to wear tight clothing every day so they don't overeat" She further explained that the day before she wore baggy clothes and ate three times as much "junk" food, versus the minimum amount that satiated her while wearing tight clothes.
I then questioned a bunch of gals in my gym if they found the observation to be true. They agreed without hesitation.
Science or not, when 21 ladies agree on something, you better take it home as TRUTH!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 10 mins steady; 20x10/45
Dynamic Bench: 10x3
Rep Bench: 2x As many reps as possible x the same weight
Steep Incline DB Chest Press: 4x10
Y's: 3x15
T's: 3x15
DB Lateral Raise: 4x10
4 way Neck: 1x8x7.0