In my gym, I encourage conversations about "touchy" issues. It's been said to avoid conflict never should we talk about Politics or Religion. Hell...we get right to it most days, especially in this climate of change that is happening.
A lady today began with her opinion of a political subject and then she stopped as if she realized she was targeting the "other side" and that other side was ME. I told her to continue and encouraged her to tell me HER thoughts. I didn't care if she was right or wrong, as much as I wanted her to know that no matter what the differences are, she can STILL tell her side of a story and that it was a safe place to do it.
Then I said to her, "Your words will either attract strong minds or they will offend weak ones. Never back down if you are passionate about a subject".
I let her speak, I encouraged her to tell more about what she thought and finished with a smile letting her know that my own opinion had not changed.
She also knows that she is safe even if we don't see eye to eye on a particular subject.
Now don't get me wrong, the tone changes to a dictatorship when it comes to the Strength and Conditioning conversation and there is no room for debate. But everything else is open season.
Today's Training:
Run: Sprints after an easy warm-up...10x 50 yds
Bike: Commute: 26 mins
Bench: 9x9x +10 lbs more than last week
OHP: 9x9x + 5 lbs more than last week
Push-Ups: 100 reps in as few sets as possible
Dips: 100 reps in as few sets as possible
DB LR: 4x10
DB Rear Delt Raise: 4x10
Shrugs: 3x8x50 lbs heavier than last week
Bike: Commute: 28 mins