I'm not so much a religious person as I am spiritual. I was in a pickle and had a quick conversation with my God about getting me through it and I promised to hold my end of the bargain up.
I didn't promise to go to church every Sunday because he knew I'd be lying, but my end of the promise is to give him credit for EVERY good thing that happens going forward.
He got me through my turmoil, and I've been doing my part ever since.
I invest time (not as regularly as I should) in reading from the Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth book (or as we know it The B.I.B.L.E.) and came across this one this morning..."As a man thinks..."
Which got me to really think about what we put into our minds daily.
If you haven't achieved the greatness you are training for, have you readied your mind for it?
By getting it into your head before putting the effort in, you have a clear destination as to what it is you are out to achieve. You will then discipline yourself and go into "Active" mode to WIN.
If you don't see yourself lifting that heavy ass weight in your mind, then chances are you will NEVER lift that heavy ass weight.
If you don't see the healthy person you desire to be, then you will remain sick or deconditioned until you do.
If your thoughts are not positive, you need to change what you are filling your mind with.
Negative stink'n think'n has won ZERO gold medals and World Championships.
What you feed your mind is as important (if not more important) than what you feed your belly.
READ from positive materials that lessons of WINNING come from. Fifteen minutes per day, even for a slow reader like myself usually gets me through a book per month.
Listen to Podcasts or Lectures from people who are on the winning side of life. Listen to their stories of overcoming great obstacles and choosing to win.
Surround yourself with people that don't tear you down, but lift you up. I'm not talking about blowing smoke up people's asses type of rah-rah bullshit. But genuine feedback that points out the right things that you are doing and the hardcore criticisms that change poor behavior patterns into proper ones.
Turn off the T.V. and the news. Turn off people who do nothing but complain and have no action plan in the works to fix their complaints. Don't let that stuff inside the most precious real estate known...That prime six inches between your ears.
Fill it up with the good stuff and then get to work!
Smile folks! This shit gets good!!!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: Sprints; 10x15/45
Concept II Row: 5000 meters or 30 mins (whichever comes first and it better not be the 30 mins.)
OHP: 10x10
DB Lateral Raise: 10x10
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x12