Today's Training:
Kettle Bell Ladder Warm-up: Start with a 20 kg KB swing it one time and put it down. Take ONE nose breath. Then swing it two times. Put it down and take TWO nose breaths. Follow it up with three swings and three breaths, then four and four, 5x5, and progress it until you reach 20 swings followed by 20 nose breaths.
It is important NOT to mouth breath.
It gets hard around set 12 or 13. Stay with it.
The benefit of this warm-up is an increase in the VO2 of your body and we ALL can use an improvement in our maximal oxygen uptake.
GHR: 5x12
Suspended Good Morning: 6 Rep Max with a PRE of 8
Narrow Stance Rep Squat: 5x10
Leg Extension: 5x10. Blow the VMO up!!!