I was being a lazy POS this morning. It was raining pretty hard and the feathers were feeling WAY too comfortable, but my bladder was the only thing that got me out of bed.
When I looked back into the bedroom, I gave thought to go back to bed even though I had already slept an extra two hours than my normal "Get Going" time.
The sink to my left to brush my teeth or ear to the pillow? Hmmmm...ONE second decision time. Teeth-1; Pillow-0
I got dressed and unlike the days of the week, I hopped into the car and drove over to the gym and thought about doing only rehab work for my sciatic nerve and stretching.
I contemplated that for ONE second. Full on Max Effort Deadlift-1; Stroke and choke workout-0
I did all the accessory work first so I would be plenty warmed up to hit a max effort. The thought was, "should I do 4 sets of 10 or 3 sets of 15?" In ONE second I decided 4 sets of 15=1; 4 sets of 10-0; 3 sets of 15-0
Do you see the theme? Everything took a ONE second decision to get us to the next evolution.
Every decision (which by the way, even if you think might have taken an hour/day/week/month/or year to make only took ONE second in that time span for you to make it happen) you have made has brought you to this exact place and time.
Because I know ME, I have to act on that one-second decision or else the decision that I made could be put off and let sit on a back burner until the spirit kicked me in the ass.
Make that ONE-second decision. Then ACT on it immediately, and at the end of today, TELL me where you end up!
Today's Training:
Single Leg Reverse Hyper: 4x15
GHR: 4x15
45-degree Back Extension: 3x10
Deadlift: 2 Rep Max; Double Overhand Grip