You will need to find these twenty things out on your own:
- Nobody cares
- Take your time and get to know YOURSELF
- The more you give, the more you'll recieve
- No work is beneath you
- You need to pray or meditate or anything that you communicate with a higher calling
- Take calculated risks
- Don't make decisions when you are emotional
- The harder you work the luckier you will become
- Be patient and relentless
- You don't need to impress anyone
- Shut up, listen and learn
- No easy days
- Read at least 15 minutes per day
- Focus with pin point laser observation
- You quit, you lose, you fail
- Learn something new daily
- Laugh no less than a dozen times per day
- Help at least ONE person per day
- Never assume (you make an ass our of you and me)
- Trust and believe in yourself
Today's Training:
Airdyne: 10-10-10
C/S Row: 10x10
Lat Pulldown: 10x10
Bicep Curl (of any sort): 10x10