Years ago when I trained to compete in Triathlons, I would swim an average of six miles, Cycle over 300 miles, and run up to 70 miles on any given week. During those long days of training, there were times when everything would seem to be just about perfect. The weights didn't feel heavy, the mileage slipped by and they were effortless.
When it was like this, I almost felt as if NOTHING could be any better and that Spiritual experience was something I never wanted to end.
This morning I reminisced about those glorious moments while doing my sprints. Then all of a sudden, I was in that place again. Granted I was cooling down from my sprints while jogging easily, but my mind went to that place of peace. There was no pain. There was me, my dog, and the moment was...PERFECT!
I showered and ate breakfast before hopping on my bicycle for the morning commute to the gym and thought about how much I enjoyed those moments of meditation and being "ONE".
Then it happened again! I had my bike lights on, I mounted the bike, I took perhaps three pedal turns, and POOF! I was at the locked gate to the gym.
Effortless and FAST, I don't remember even breathing hard. I was in the "ZONE" once again!
I believe that when you are out doing a rhythmic type of exercise, the endorphins kick in and they take you to that spot.
Huey Lewis sang a song in the '80s about "Wanting a new Drug". I think I found it! (again)
Today's Training:
Run: Sprints: 10x50 yds
Cycle: Commute
Squat: 10x10
GHR: 10x10
Fwd Stepping Lunge: 10x10
Cycle: Commute