I'm not sure if it's because we have had a heat wave with +100 degrees for the last week (107 yesterday) or that it was a restless night of sleep for my entire family, but today's session kicked my ass. Three exercises and nothing spectacularly hard and I wasn't sure I was going to make my bike ride home.
I was ready for a nap by 8:00 AM. YIKES!
I don't even want to begin talking about how stinking hungry I am. My concern is that I won't leave enough food in the house for the rest of my team. Grrrrrrr.
Dead Lift: use a three inch riser that the plates sit on and work up to a heavy single. Leave something in the tank
Back Extension on the GHR: Move the foot plate back one additional hole from where you do the normal Glute/Hamstring movement. Stretch down to the floor and let the back decompress then extend parallel to the floor. 3x10
Prowler Suicides: 5 yard/10 yards/15 yards/20 yards/ 25 yards=160 yards each
Push 90 lb. out each distance on the handles and bring it back on the low handles in front. Keep the Prowler facing the same way at all times. YOU move around the equipment. x5