If there's one thing I certainly know how to do, it's setting goals. I have benched 600 lbs raw in three different weight classes. I benched 900 lbs equipped. I won a strongman competition, I have achieved a pro full meet total. Last but not least, I have lost well over 100 lbs and have kept it off.
Being January, this is the time of year everyone comes up with new goals. That's awesome. Unfortunately, the majority of people will fail to meet those goals. Part of the problem is that some people will simply lack the will to push through. The other big issue is that people do not know how to set goals.
When setting a goal it can't be some random thought. There needs to be some reasoning to it. If you follow the three following rules you'll be well on your way to reaching your goals.
YOUR GOAL MUST BE MEASURABLE - You need to put numbers to your goals as far as what you want to achieve and in what time frame. So many people tell me they want to lose weight or get stronger. Great, but how do you know if you have reached your goal? Instead, set a goal like "I will squat 500 lbs by June X" or "I will lose 20 lbs by July X." Also, notice how I said, "I will." Keep the language of your goals strong and positive.
YOUR GOAL MUST BE ACHIEVABLE - Do you remember the goal above "I will squat 500 lbs by June X." Well, if your best squat is 400 lbs, then setting your goal to put 100 lbs on your squat in six months is pretty unreasonable. When you make reasonable goals and keep knocking them down, before you know it, you are accomplishing really big things.
When I started competing, my raw bench was under 300 lbs. If you told me eventually I would be benching over 600 lbs raw, I would have said you were nuts. Same with losing over 100 lbs. If I thought about losing over 100 lbs I would have been horrified and would probably have never started. I made the first goal to get down to the 308 lb class. Then down to 275, 242, 220, and then the 198 class. Reaching those smaller goals was very achievable. I kept building on that success both physically and mentally. It fueled me to reach a much bigger goal over the long haul.
YOU MUST HAVE A PLAN - A goal without a plan is nothing but a wish. You don't need to have some fancy coach and definitely beware of paralysis through analysis. I have definitely seen this with dieting. People get so crazy trying to figure out the perfect ratios of protein to carbs to fat. In the meantime, they never seem to start and get further from their goal as each day passes.
I'll help you all out with this advice, there are no perfect plans. I have benched over 600 lbs raw using a few different training programs. I've also lost weight using a variety of nutritional approaches. What it comes down to is hard work. So pick a plan that feel you can follow and that has a little science behind it, then work the plan.
There you have it ladies and gentlemen, all you need to set and reach your goals for 2019. Good luck and get after it!