Everybody is looking for the best program, diet, supplements, and tips to make faster gains in the gym. Regardless of what you are training for, there are a handful of things you can begin doing right now to BECOME better.
1. Stop Making It All About You.
Yes, under the bar it is about you. But in order to be your very best in anything, it takes more than just that.
How much more would you learn if you were expected to teach it?
How much better would your technique be if you were required to demonstrate it?
How much better could you be if you had people supporting and helping you at a personal and professional level?
These are just some of the rewards of giving back.
2. Recovery.
A lot has been written in regards to recovery. But in order to recover, you need a stimulus to recover from. If the stimulus is too great, you will not recover in time. If the stimulus is not great enough, you will not adapt. Take a step back from thinking about recovering and take another look at the stimulus.
Does it need to be cut back?
Does it need to be increased?
You can eat great, sleep all day, and do every recovery modality in the book but without training, these things won't help get you to your goal. Put first things first. Get your training in check and then match the recovery to it, not the other way around.
3. It’s not easy.
Most do not fail due to lack of genetics, skill. talent, or even love of the game.
Most fail because they simply quit when things get hard.
The only real progress will come after adversity.
Expect and embrace it.
Then learn from it to become your very best. When you do this, you will beat those with better genetics, skill, and talent because while an IRON WILL may not make you the best in the world, it will make you better than those who quit.