Thank you to Tyler Weaver for showing up to train with me. I have to admit I wasn’t very motivated after the events from the previous day. Here’s what we did:
Standard warm up:
5 mins. Treadmill
PVC rolled on:
Lower back, shifted to right and left
Upper back, shifted to right and left scapula w/hips up
Fat Bar Floor Press-
225+40 lbs of chains x3
225+80 lbs of chains x3
High Rep Flat DB Press-
Light Band Front Raises- x15x3
Cable Pressdowns w/V-Bar-
I hesitated writing this for multiple reasons; it’s embarrassing and kind of gross, I’m not one to discuss personal issues or to look for sympathy, and I was advised against it by multiple people. However, this is not only my training and coaching log, but a reflection of my life, and if I don’t pass on important lessons I’ve learned I feel like I’m providing a disservice to you. This is something that has affected my training and will continue to do so, especially now. I hope that my experience may help others who are in the same situation know to address the symptoms earlier than I did. I also hope it may help others have a better understanding of people who have this condition.
I’m not a big fan of going to the doctor since I’ve had bad experiences in the past with doctors overprescribing and overcutting. I’m also a big believer in our body’s having the ability to heal on their own under the right circumstances. I realize it’s probably not smart, but until recently I hadn’t been to the doctor on a regular basis in probably close to ten years. This time I really had no choice. Here’s why:
I’ve had bright red blood in my BMs on and off for the past few years. (I told you it was embarrassing and kind of gross). Sure, this might scare most people, but it always went away so I blew it off. I also go to the bathroom far more frequently than most people. I eat, then I have to go. I’ve always attributed this to having a “fast metabolism,” but when I go 3 to 5 times before leaving the house in the morning and ten to twelve times a day it’s clearly more than that. The symptoms increased so gradually over the last ten to fifteen years that I honestly don’t know what “normal” is anymore. I’ve also always had difficulty putting on weight and my energy levels have gradually dropped. Once again, I blew it off, but may finally have an answer. I finally caved in and went to a GP knowing that he would refer me to a GI Specialist for the dreaded dun dun dun…. Colonoscopy.
Upon awakening from the procedure last Monday I was almost immediately told that I had been diagnosed with severe Ulcerative Colitis. Yes, the same disease that Clint Darden has. I’ve actually been corresponding with Clint and others for advice which I greatly appreciate. For those of you who are unfamiliar with it “Ulcerative colitis is a chronic disease of the large intestine, also known as the colon, in which the lining of the colon becomes inflamed and develops tiny open sores, or ulcers, that produce pus and mucous. The combination of inflammation and ulceration can cause abdominal discomfort and frequent emptying of the colon.
Ulcerative colitis is the result of an abnormal response by your body's immune system. Normally, the cells and proteins that make up the immune system protect you from infection. In people with IBD, however, the immune system mistakes food, bacteria, and other materials in the intestine for foreign or invading substances. When this happens, the body sends white blood cells into the lining of the intestines, where they produce chronic inflammation and ulcerations.”
I’ve had prednisone prescribed to me once before and felt awful. Who wants to take drug that causes things to breakdown? Knowing that prednisone is a popularly prescribed anti-inflammatory for Ulcerative Colitis (which is what I already suspected that I had) I explained to the GI doctor during my initial consultation that I would prefer not to have it. He said that he also didn’t like prednisone and unless “it’s between that and going to the ER I won’t prescribe it.” Immediately following the procedure this past Monday I was prescribed a month’s supply, so the situation is obviously worse than I imagined. Prednisone makes me feel tired and weak, yet still makes me unable to sleep. It’s basically a recipe for torture. At this point I feel like the treatment is worse than the disease.
At the very least this is a step in the right direction. This is something that I’ve been dealing with for years, so at least now I know the cause and have begun treatment. Hopefully after this month there’s a chance I’ll be better than ever.
Thank you to my wife for helping me to get through this and my friends and family for their support and understanding.
Live, Learn, Pass on.
gerry mc namara
I suffer from Crohn's disease a family member of UC. You aren't alone in your fight and I completely understand the challenges with Meds, body changes, pain, hydration and all that comes with IBD.
Everytime you get under that bar you win. Every rep, every lift.
4 colon resections and a WPC World Record is my message to show the disease it will not win. I've done hundreds of hours of research and am always willing to share keys which aid me in a relatively normal life and pursue my passion of powerlifting. Feel free to reach out anytime !
Keep going and always remember who you are!
Good luck!
It is an amazing anti-inflammatory, it eases pain, improves appetite, slowes gastric emptying, is all natutral and comes in a variety of strains. Not to mention, it can really get you going for your training sessions.
Now Im sure somebody is gonna start on some kind of rediculous rant about drugs , religion and legality. But Im talking about an amazing plant with healing properties that will drastically change your life brother.
Gerry- I'm sorry to hear that you have stomach issues as well. Yours are most likely different due to your gallbladder, but I may have to try some of your suggestions to see if they help. I hope your training is going well.
Rachel- Thank you so much for your positive feedback. It really means a lot. It's reassuring to hear from lifters in similar situations who are able to push through the issues. I appreciate your positive outlook. I'll definitely keep you in mind when I'm looking for info!
Jay- There's a good chance that cannabis may become legal in Florida in the near future. If I could find a strain that slows digestion, increases appetite, and calms me without any paranoia I'm all for it haha.
JS- I'm sorry to hear about your situation and hope you're able to recover. Although I have to admit it's often hard to find the energy to train and I've had to cut my volume down, I don't plan to ever stop. You're right, it's not about how hard you can it, it's about hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.
Good luck to you all as well. Never give up!