I have been competitively powerlifting for over 20 years. Within that time I have competed raw, single ply and multi ply. I hold the highest all time total of 1930 at 148, the third highest total of 2045 at 165 and have broken over 35 world records, over 25 of which I still hold. Through the years in this sport I have learned a great deal from various training methods, met and formed long lasting friends, as well as learned the importance of balancing life, work, and training.
Elitefts accepted me as a team member over ten years ago and I am currently the longest standing still competing powerlifter on the site. I appreciate Dave Tate and Elitefts for giving me the opportunity to learn from and teach others through the Q&A and my training log.
In 2005 I opened Orlando Barbell – a 24 hour powerlifting friendly gym. As well as running Orlando Barbell I designed and sell the Home GHR and Doorway Home Gym, wrote the 12 Weeks to a Bigger Bench EBook, and produced the 12Weeks to a Bigger Bench DVD.
My latest contribution was writing the M2 Method EBook, designed to be the quintessential Raw Powerlifting training manual for beginners to advanced lifters looking to get stronger and prevent injury while incorporating the powerlifts.
I'm currently in off season training and plan to compete in either the APF Single Ply Nationals or the Olympia single ply meet next.
Standard warm up:
5 mins. Treadmill
PVC rolled on:
Lower back, shifted to right and left
Upper back, shifted to right and left scapula w/hips up
If you’ve been reading my log for any amount of time you’d know that I get a ½ hour massage every other week and an adjustment afterwards once a month. Since I normally start my training at 4 and my appointment is at 5:15, it never works out very well so I inevitably only end up getting the main exercise in.
Raw Deadlifts-
315+40 lbs of chains x2x2
315+80 lbs of chains x2x2
315+120 lbs of chains x2x2
I watched some youtube videos on proper deadlift form the other day. Due to my dimensions (long arms, long shins, and a short torso, it seems like it’s difficult for me to find the right position to start in). A cue that one of the videos gave was to start with your hips over the bar. I’ve always focused more on forcing my hips towards the bar so I tried giving this cue a try. It seemed to help.
Bret Gainsford has done a great job of improving his deadift form while moving from conventional to sumo. He’ll be competing in the upcoming AAPF Raw Nationals April 10-12th in Illinois.
Tyler Weaver’s training is on the right track to put up some good single ply numbers at the USPA meet at the Euopa here on May 1st. Since I had to leave I told him to do speed squats, rows, and GHRs, but I’m sure he did at least 100 other things that I didn’t tell him to do as usual.
The Affordable and Effective Floor Based Home GHR
Buy your own Doorway Home Gym and never miss out on your accessory work again
12 Weeks to a Bigger Bench EBook
12 Weeks to a Bigger Bench DVD
Please contact me directly at lightweightpower@aol.com for customized programming.