I am constantly being bombarded with questions, answers, wants, and desires. Often all at the same time from many sources.
A lot of people seeing that are ultra-polite will excuse themselves and pull out of a conversation simply to allow another person to ask a question.
This is where I will tell the story of years ago when I had a landline telephone in an actual office. I was counseling a young athlete when the phone rang, interrupting my thoughts. I continued to speak regaining where I was going with this young man. The phone continued to ring and the young man asked, "Aren't you going to get that, Coach?"
I let the phone ring a few more times until it went to voice mail (actually it was an answering machine. Who am I kidding?) The kid kept looking back and forth between the machine and me.
He then inquired as to why I didn't pick the phone up. I then spoke to him and said, "There is nothing more important than what I'm doing at that moment, and at this moment I am talking to YOU."
He smiled and puffed his chest up a bit knowing that HE was just as important to me as anyone else that could have been on the phone.
When I am getting torn in many directions during the day with multiple questions or needs, I place the same order of priority to this day.
What I am doing now takes priority over what I have to do in the future.
We’re so busy watching out for what’s ahead of us that we don’t prioritize and enjoy where we are.
Another reason I refuse to get and own a cell phone.
Today's Training:
2x10 if the following:
- Air Squat
- Blast Strap Row
- Split Squat
- Push-ups
- Cat/Camel
- Fire Hydrants
- Dynamic Hamstring Walk-ups
Bench: 5 RM out of the straps
Incline Chest Press: 10 RM
Cable Crossover: 5x12
Tricep Rope Pushdown: 5x15
JM Press: 5x15
"Lara" Abs: 3x15