Many people get stuck overthinking whatever they are about to do. Some call it the "paralysis of analysis", others will cross too many "T's" and dot every "I". They are the ones that have a mantra of "Ready...aim, aim, aim, aim, aim..." and never pull the trigger.
I'm of the sort that says, "Ready, FIRE, aim...", then clean up the mess.
Overthinking is simply the art of CREATING problems that don't exist; all you have to do is dive into it!
Everything works out!
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute; 26 mins
Concept II Row: 5 mins steady; 15x10/50
Lat Pulldown:4x12
Barbell Bentover Row: 4x12
DB Row: 4x12
DB Curl: 4x10
Rack Scraping Curl: 4x10
Cycle: Commute; 24 mins
Run: Sprints; 8x100 yds That transition from bike to run is one of the hardest things. I never got used to them, even when I was doing a LOT of Triathlons. Those first few steps are like you have NO SPRING whatsoever in your legs. Downright comical if you ask me...