Life can be overwhelming. That's the way life works. It is testing you. It is going to throw problems at you and it is going to throw them at you all at the same time. This is the way life works: Murphy's Law! It is easy to feel beaten when you are faced with all those problems at once.
But...let me tell you that does not mean to give up the fight. In fact: It means the opposite! It is time for you to fight harder.
Dig IN!
Go on the Warpath!!
Assess what the problems are and decide which one you are going to attack FIRST.
Then get started.
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute; 24 mins
AirDyne: 10-10-10
Bench to pins set three to four inches from the chest: 6 rep max
JM Press: 4x10
Banded Tricep Pushdown: 100 non-stop reps
Cable Fly: 100 non-stop reps
Cycle: 23 mins