I just got back from a vacation in Kauai, Hawaii. Now and again we all need a bit of downtime to replenish our "power packs", and this one came at a great moment for me.
I don't know about everyone who reads my Coaching Log, and their motivation for doing what they do in a gym, but I know in my gym, when a person is heading out to a beach somewhere, they want to shed a few pounds and look leaner and meaner.
I guess that's not what the rest of America is doing from my observation.
There was about 5% of the entire resort who looked like they did something before getting there. Not overly muscular, but at least looked like they gave two hoots about it before shedding the outer layer and exposing all that loveliness.
Less than 2% looked JACKED! (I'm not including myself nor my wife)
Yes, I was and am being judgemental. But HEY, someone has to do it!!!!
But the kick in the pants? These human-beached whales weren't even trying once they got to the resort. Gluttony was HUGE!
The amount of shitty food they consumed was incredible. The sweet drinks were jaw-dropping.
The lack of effort to do ANYTHING about it was mind-boggling.
I am sure the guests contemplated the notion of PED use among those of us who were in decent shape. But I didn't give a second thought when it was time for the beach. My shirt came off and I went about my primate business like every good Alpha Silverback Gorilla would. No reverse judgment here!~~!
I tell you this because I took my angst out on the people in my gym today. Yep, that's right, I kicked their asses for the country's fat ones. I took my frustration out on my friends and family and WHOOPED some ass today with this workout:
Forward Stepping Lunge: 4x25
"Lara" Abs: 3x15
Jump Squats: 4x25
Cable Woodchops: 3x15
GHR: 3x12
Leg Curl: 3x12
Romanian Deadlift: 5x12
Hip Extension: 3x25
Reverse Hyper (under control): 3x12
BOSU Sit-up: 100 continuous reps
The emphasis of this workout was the pace that needed to be kept. Most finished in just under an hour, which was "Humping It".
The slackers got ridiculed and berated.
Loved being on vacation. Love being back!
Aloha and Mahalo motherfuckers