There is a lot of science today regarding every single movement that can be trained. There's a better way to squat, bench, deadlift, curl, sit up, run, and walk for goodness sake.
Science has made bike riding more efficient and complicated to go along with that efficiency.
Do your shoulder presses with your elbows forward if you are past the age of 47 years; 3 months and 4 days.
Breathe in your nose and out of your mouth, stand up to catch your breath, and don't put your hands on your head.
Why? Because some scientists have calculated it to work better.
Sometimes, I find it hard to simply "catch" my breath, and I'm going to BREATH and fucking way I can.
I'm going to do a shit ton of pull-ups today and at a certain point, I'm going to rip into one of those mfers and not care what it looks like as long as I get my noggin over the bar.
I'm not going to care what is happening at the cellular level as long as my forearms look like anvils, I'll be ok.
Why am I going to ignore the science? Because 1000 reps of open-ended exercise with the broken blisters/callouses with oozing blood down my wrists is just BAD ASS!
I'm going to squat tomorrow and I'm going to load weight on my back and then I'm going to go down to parallel and rep as much as I can with as much weight as I can. The science? NONE that I care about. Badassery that I want to care about? PRICELESS! Bragging rights in the mirror??? Can touch this.
Sometimes you have to FEEL what you're doing, throw caution to the wind, and be the last man standing!
If my mood changes...so might my objective tomorrow!
As for today? Come get me you fat bastards, kick my ass and tell me about it! I'll be the first to slap your back and congratulate you for the vulgar display of strength too.
Today's Training:
Kettlebell Ladder: 1-20
Pull-ups: 4 hand positions; 2x50 in each superset with
Dips: 4x50
Cable curl: 2x50
Cable Push-down: 2x50
and with that, it makes 1000 reps most of which are Open Chain exercise.
If you need "help" with the reps, use a reverse band with as minimal assistance as possible.