For years, I have been writing the things I do and what I program for the groups that train right here on EliteFTS for free. Some people charge a lot of money for what they call "Online Coaching". Hey, more power to those people who will sell what is actually online PROGRAMMING.
I have quite a few people that implement what I write and they will send me questions via email or messenger to get answered or fine-tuned.
I'm more than happy to oblige. But the actual best way to get the most out of my Strength and Conditioning program is to actually SHOW UP, in person, in my gym!
Yup...I have people that live within a mile of the gym and don't come in. I don't understand it, because there are others that have a real daily trek to get to me and their attendance is right up there at about 99-100%.
I am sure that there are those that live across the country that would LOVE to spend some quality time getting coached for REAL, but have to settle for Q&A online!
To my local folks...Show up or actually quit. You can save a ton of money by canceling your "membership". But don't tell me to keep you on the roster and then go dark and then complain about your lack of progress.
My program works BEST when you show up!
Today's Training:
Run: Sprints; 10x100 yds
Cycle: Commute: 28 mins (Rain)
AirDyne: 10-10-10
Cable Tricep Pushdown: 5x15
Reverse Grip BB Curl: 5x10
Skull Crusher: 5x15
BB Curl: 5x10
Banded Tricep PushOUT extension: 5x20
Banded Bicep Curl: 5x20
Decline Situp: 3x10 (steep)
Cycle: 28 mins (Drizzle...but I finally got to wear shorts)
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