Because there are four dyes that are used to determine muscle fiber (I think there might be more if we had more dyes) the training I do focuses on each during some part of our training.
Fast Twitch Glycolytic, Slow Twitch Glycolytic, Fast Twitch Oxidative, and Slow Twitch Oxidative are the four I know of right now.
Granted those fast-twitch explosive ones carry over to sports much more than the Oxidative ones, we still need to innervate those conditioning fibers none the same.
Today I added a few exercises that were to be done "Super Slow" and by that I mean as slow as a person can move the bar through the full range of motion without it stopping or jerking along the path. We did the first three reps of every set in this manner. Then we followed those with SEVEN more "pumping" reps, ya know, just to add insult to injury. hahahaha
Today's Training:
Bike: Commute: 29 mins
Prowler: (yes again) 10x80 yards
Supermans: 20
Cat/Camel: 10
Prone Scorpions: 15 to each side
Push-ups: 15
Ab Crunch: 100
Stretch Pull-ups: 7x1
Lat Pulldown: 5x10
DB Pullover: 3x10
BB Curl: 3x10
Dips: 3x10
DB Hammer Curl: 3x10
DB Supine Tricep Ext: 3x10
Shrugs: 4x10x stupid heavy
Bike: Commute: 30 mins