Who doesn't love a good ab series?
While doing 100 situps a day may not create a six-pack, we know by now that ab work (or core work) is vital in getting stronger and staying healthy. Just like any other muscle, when you do train it, you build the muscle underneath. By leaning out with proper nutrition, then you can show and display the muscle. (Hello 6 pack.)
Here are a few series I've done myself and with clients lately. Give them a try!
Series #1
Leg raises x12
Single leg leg raises x10 each
Knees to chest reverse crunch x12
Body saw planks x30 sec
REPEAT 3 times
Series #2 - Stability ball
Ball knee tucks x10
Ball pikes x10
Stir the pot x10 each direction
REPEAT 4 times
Series #3
Side plank w/ top leg lift x10 each
Side plank w/ bottom leg lift x10 each
Paloff press x10 each
Banded woodchoppers x10 each
REPEAT 3 times
Series #4 - Med Ball
MB alternating V-ups x8 each
MB toe touches x15
MB Slams x10
MB rotational slams x8 each
REPEAT 3 times