Travels are not usually kind to training. Not only does it ruin your sleep and eating habits, but sometimes even finding a gym that in conducive to your training can be an issue. Thankfully (and I truly mean that) we know enough people across the country to find good gyms with equipment we need.
About 3 weeks ago we were in Florida. With the luxury of training at Orlando Barbell, we at least got our main movements squeezed in around family activities.
This trip was no different. We were back at Christian's old stomping grounds in Memphis for a good friend's wedding (of which I failed to get hardly any pictures).
We landed Thursday and trained Friday morning. We were tired, a bit tight from sitting on planes and in cars, but we controlled what we could control (food and coffee) and headed to NBS for some deadlifts. (We even roped the groom-to-be into training with us).
On the docket was 2nd attempt deadlifts. These will most likely be our heaviest pulls until the meet because both of us fare much better that way.
My three heaviest singles were 285, 315 (most likely an opener), 340. I was getting a weird "hitch" right off the floor, I'm guessing because I wasn't creating enough tension. But regardless, I was able to maintain position and stay patient.
Even 340 moved pretty decently!!
Friday we ate amazing food at the rehearsal dinner.
Saturday morning we got a little upper body swole session.
And had an absolute blast at Bobby and Courtney's wedding! It was so great to see so many "old" friends!