Out THursday and Friday in ATL for a concert that was not to be.  We still managed to have a decent time with dinner and a comedy club.

Wed 30 mins, Sunday 40 min , Mon 20 mins stepmill

Wed LOWER still nursing the slighlty torn outer quad so

Abs 8x8

REverse Hypers 4x15

Leg press 10x10

Leg extension 5x20

Saturday 4/9


Reverse hypers 4x12

Rolled quad with XWIFE

Quad stretching

More reverse hypers



Monday UPPER 4/11

Chest supported rows 10x10 then 6x6

Lightning Rod attachment for:

- Straight arm pulldowns 10x10

-Standing abs 8x10

-Overhead tricep extension 8x10

Floor press with swiss bar and chains about 315ish 8x5, drop set 3x10

Suspension straps ab/pec flye 5x5
