I had a meeting of the minds this early morning when the conversation turned into something I didn't want it to. Instead of jumping on the bandwagon, I asked the group "What they were grateful for?"
The answers didn't jump out audibly, but the silence was deafening so I knew I hit a chord and folks put two and two together and their negative conversation came to an immediate halt.
Then when I knew they were thankful for something, I commanded them to pay it forward and become a blessing to someone else, TODAY!
I believe if we can all start doing this on a daily basis, we can spread the positivity faster than Covid did.
I know for me when asked if my cup is half full or empty, I respond by telling the person that I'm stoked just to have a cup!!!
Instead of worrying about whether your happy or not, make someone (anyone)else happy and see how YOUR own attitude changes.
Today's Training:
*AirDyne: 10-10-10
*Cycle: Commute
Concept II Rowing Ergometer: 5000 meters or 30 mins whichever comes first
Incline DB Chest Press:4x12
Dynamic Bench: 10x3
Ballistic Med Ball Wall Toss: 8x3 on each side. Turn 90 degrees from the wall. Keep the back elbow up and perpendicular to the front wall. Slight twist but most of the force should come from the arm pushing the ball across the chest. Finish with enough force that you can catch the rebound.
Three Position Pushups: Start with a bar close to the floor and do 10 push-ups. Raise the bar about 6 inches and do 10 more push-ups right of way. Raise the bar again one more time of 6 inches and get ANOTHER set of 10 push-ups as soon as you can get the bar into the J hooks. That equals ONE set! Do SIX total sets of that. (yes that's 180 push-ups)
Rope Tricep Pushdowns: 4x15
Cycle: Commute