The acronym for TEAM is "Together Everyone Achieves More". I firmly believe that and have worked quite hard in the development of "MY TEAM" or my community.
Over the many years that I've been coaching, I felt that making a community was one of the most important things I could do for my people. (YES, they are MY people). More than making it harder for a person to quit a team, making the business of fitness more prosperous, the individual becomes a part of something bigger than themself.
I have kids who have gone their own way and yet, still contact me with questions regarding life as well as strength and conditioning. I have been asked, "Coach, when do we stop being one of yours?" To which I answer, "NEVER".
Life happens. Good things come and need celebrating. Those folks in my program are always there to cheer and positively reinforce these victories. Likewise, tragedy happens. When the ugly side of existence rears its ugly head, I don't give a shit what people say, you NEED people around you that can lift you.
Depression is real. The endorphins from a workout are a small part of combatting that depression. But, one of the great things about a positive community or team, they won't let you down. If the person next to you becomes more important than yourself, then you will never be left alone.
Parents pass away. Spouses leave. Pets even go, but know this, if you have upbeat positive people around you who can lift your spirits, you have a better chance of survival and returning to your norm.
Don't close yourself in a darkened room left with only your own thoughts. Get back into the gym and squat with your "crew", or as one of my participants says, "Let the fuckery begin".
OH! Sorry about your pet. I know they become a part of us, but come back!
Today's Training:
Big 4 Warm up
Assisted Pull-ups: 8x50
Assisted Dips 8x50
Fat Gripz Hammer Curl: 2x50
Fat Gripz Supine Tricep Extension: 2x50
Ab Wheel: 4x10
Suspended knees to elbow: 4x10
Sprints: after transition from bike to run, and warm-up:
5x100 yds