Yup, if you have anything, I mean everything that bothers you or anything going well, a good training session will fix it.
The "crew" you surround yourself with also has something to do with it, but the session itself is the key.
I woke up tired and cranky. The moment I got on my bike to head to the gym, everything started getting better. By the time I arrived and was greeted by a couple of my crew members things got better.
Checking my log book for the workout, I saw this was the third installment of Max Effort Good Mornings and I got almost giddy with excitement.
The sweat was flowing as well as the "chirps". I realized that this was close to my heaven.
I was saddened only by the fact we concluded.
Go Train. You'll be glad you did.
Today's Training:
Big 4 Warm-up
GHR: 4x12
Max Effort Good Mornings: 2 RM
Leg Extension: 4x10