Yesterday I was reading online how many guys were bitching about the title, "Strength and Conditioning" Coach. They didn't think the title did them enough justice in how it underplayed their REAL role.
I shook my head in disbelief thinking to myself how there was so much more to life and our vocation than to be wasted on a title.
As I was discussing this with a few of my peers, they agreed with me as well.
I always think of it this way...I went to undergraduate school and got a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education. That gave me the right to continue that education (or not). I now own a gym and I teach in it. That makes me a Gym Teacher. Simple. I like simplicity.
I think that if we concentrate on our participants and worry less about what we are being called, then (and only then) you will have prepared these individuals enough that they make significant contributions to their respective teams or sport.
Gym Teacher. Yea, I like that!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 10-10-10
Chest Supported Rear Delt Raise: 3x5x HEAVY
Shrugs: 4x6x REAL Hvy
Dead Hang: 40 seconds