We talking about living life the way we should early this morning. Some people come in at 4:30 AM half to fully asleep. Those were the good ones. Then some didn't make it in at all.
Those that were there got an early dose of my bullshit. When I asked if it was too early, a lot said, "Yes". That's when I explained, "Well...Get up earlier".
They laughed and asked how I did it day in and day out.
Then it occurred to me...Live life like a muscle fiber. A muscle fiber will either fire all the way or not at all. There is no partial innervation. That is how we should live life either all in or not at all.
If you are going to get up early and train...GET UP and freak'n train. 100% worth. If you're not "feeling it", stay in bed and get the rest, and zero out the day.
When you get to work later, WORK your ass off and give it all you have. But, at the end of the day, zero it out leave work totally, and focus your energy on whatever is next on the agenda.
Some will say that they can't do that. BULLSHIT! You're used to it and it's your normal. Half-stepping your entire life and getting half the satisfaction.
Fire up your life like a muscle fiber. 100% or ZERO. Do or don't do, but halfway at anything will be like that squirrel that doesn't commit to getting across the street. It ends up getting crunched in the middle. Dead!
Today's Training:
Working in pairs or taking just enough rest between the sets as it takes to DO the set hit the following with some vigor:
Horizontal Woodchops: 4x12
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x12
DB Lateral Raise: 30x5
DB C/S Rear Delt Raise: 30x5
Cable Face Pulls: 30x5
Dynamic OHP: 30x2
4-way Neck: 1x12