If you read any of my stuff for any length of time, you'll know that back in January I wrote about not taking anyone new into my program because of their New Year's resolutions.
Over the years 99% of those people wasted not only their time but mine as well.
Those that come in on a Tuesday in March with their gear in their hand and ask when they can begin are the ones I enjoy and will invest time and effort in.
They got that wild hair stuck in their ass and instead of waiting until NEXT Monday, they acted! They have great expectations because they had their gear with them and there is NO better time to start something than RIGHT fucking NOW!
I also say that a good Strength and Conditioning program is a microcosm of what goes on out in the world.
What you do and how you discipline yourself in a gym carries over into the "real world" IF you are in tune with your inner workings.
What am I getting at? I'm writing you because "talk is cheap". Everyone will TELL you of their great plan or aspiration and then sit on it until it passes.
Instead, when you get that "feeling" go do it! NOW!!! Why would you wait on something if you feel it is a goal that you want to accomplish?
"I'll start next month", "I'll wait until Monday", "When I have a moment". NO! Right NOW. Why not? Why not YOU right now?
Lazy and complacent are two words that I hope never enter anyone's idea when it comes to describing me, and I hope you feel the same way.
What was that quote? "Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration"???
Knowing that why would you sit on your ass?
Go get what is YOURS!
Today's Training:
Hamstring rehab is going GREAT! I believe now that you need to do the things that would absolutely wreak havoc on something at a lower level of intensity. For example, I ran sprints for the last few days of various lengths and intensities. I would push it to that scary level that you would think, "KA POW" full blowout. I would also run like a Super Mario Brother only 300 lbs heavier. THEN...I would stretch to the point of feeling it, but not like I was in a Yoga class. (hmm, maybe that's not a bad idea. Nah...not going to do it)
Run: Sprints:
- Light jog: 10x30 yds
- Skips: 5x30 yds
- Leg "Turnovers": 5x30 yds (x2 on each leg)
- 6x100 yds
AirDyne: 10-10-10