"What exercises I do is simple, I lift weights. What do I do for conditioning? I lift weights faster"
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
AirDyne: 15 mins (Legs only)
Dynamic Deadlift: 10x2xescalating weight every two sets by 20 lbs. If the reps get too slow and begin to grind, return to the last weight that could be lifted "violently".
Each Deadlift set should be super set with the following:
GHR: 4x12
Leg Curl: 4x12
45-degree Back Extension: 4x12
*At no time is there any lack of movement. Once you begin, KEEP MOVING!
Seated DB Shrugs: 3x12
Machine Verticle Shrugs: 3x12
Dead Hang: 50 seconds
Cycle: Commute
Run: Sprints:
- 8x30 yds to warm up @ 30-50%
- 4x30 yds Fast leg turn over. four on each side
- 10x50 yds @75%...