I like to make a big deal out of different mileposts. A 50-year birthday is one.
To celebrate it, I thought doing 50 singles of Deadlift would be pretty cool for everyone to do. What could possibly be cooler? Doing the deadlifts with a double overhand grip on an axle bar. What could be even cooler than THAT? Doing deadlifts with a double overhand grip on an axle bar with a shit ton of band tension. WHAT in God's Great Green Earth could top THAT? Yup...add bar weight.
How much you might ask? Enough that the bar ALMOST slips out of your grip at the movement's top.
These were BRUTAL and not at all for the faint of heart nor the wimp of grip.
Can you say, "smoked"? Way too much fun for a group of people to have.
Today's Training:
Deadlift: 50x1 Use the Axle bar with a double overhand grip, a ton of medium band tension, and some weight.
Run: 5x100 yd sprints