When people from my gym want to order equipment I ALWAYS tell them to "call the number".
Sure, you can go online and put stuff in the "cart" and then use your credit card and check out and then wait until it gets delivered. All neat and orderly and, somewhat what I call, Sanitary.
However for me, I like to TALK to the people, not only for their expertise, but sometimes I can figure out what it is that I'm confused with just by hashing things out with someone on the other end.
I came upon an EliteFTS.com Power Rack. Big 3x3 College monster. I have NO space in my gym for it, and my wife and son BEGGED me to put it in our garage.
Even though I own and run the facility, (Shoot I even have the keys to the door), they find it difficult sometimes to get everything done before they start their own hectic busy day at work or school.
I put the rack in there. Y
You have to know, that garages in California are NEVER the right size. Space is a premium and they are all undersized. CARS are NEVER in them. EVER!!!
Anyway, I digress, I'm training April and Hunter in the space and decide I need only a couple of items to make it complete with the programs I have for them. Soooooo...I call the 888 number and I get a hold of Rhonda!
From the days of being flown out to Ohio to do and or attend seminars, I meet Rhonda on my first trip there. I thoroughly enjoy EVERYONE that works at HQ and relish the chances when I get to visit or chat with them.
So here I am with Rhonda on the telephone yesterday and she treated me like we are STILL the greatest of friends (maybe because we are...???) Anyway, after exchanging pleasantries, I give her the meat and potatoes of my call. "Rhonda, I would like to order this, that, a couple of these and a GHR." Ah yes, but WHICH GHR??? is the question
We chat, we catch up, and I find myself smiling on my end of the phone and come to the conclusion with her help..."Go Big or Go Home".
I suppose I can always blow out the sidewall of the garage if things get too cramped. hahahahaha
When you need something BIG, CALL! Ask for Matt, Chris, or Nate. But if you get Rhonda, you tell her "hey" from me.
Today's Training:
Cycle: 27 mins
Prowler: 15x80 yards
V-bar Pulldown: 4x8x Kinda heavy
DB Pullover: 3x12x Lighter
Blast Strap Rows: 200 reps in as few sets as possible. (I did it in two, and Jackie O'Keefe just HAD to beat my first set number by doing 101 reps. Jeesh)
Cycle: 28 mins