Memorial Day is a day of remembrance first and foremost. It's a time to respect those who gave up their lives so we can live the life we choose, whichever you think. (I have my own opinion but reserve my right to say)
Secondly, Memorial Weekend is the unofficial start to the summer, with BBQs, the opening of the Boardwalk, pools, and hammocks that are hung around the country.
Many people have off and I believe that even Coaches, Trainers, and Gym owners also deserve a day off. So my gym will be closed for the next three days.
That doesn't mean we don't get the work in. We adjust, adapt, and overcome.
Today we mixed two sessions into one. We also reduced the number of exercises per lift to accommodate the over-stimulation we received. (Still gonna be a bunch of tired folks)
Today's Training:
GHR: 5x12
Dynamic Squat: 10x2
Leg Extension: 5x12
"Pull-Up Hell" 4 hand positions; 2 sets of 65 assisted reps in each.
Dip Hell: 8x65 assisted dips