I was standing with Ed Coan and Steve Goggins one day at a seminar and I asked them, "What is your take on chains and bands?" They looked at each other, then looked back at me and asked, "What are chains and bands?" I got it.
I don't use them much with my groups as most aren't advanced enough so I limit it. However, just for the FUN of it, I will schedule them in just to spice things up.
Today was one of those days. BUT...I always get the question, "how much....?"
Here's my standard answer..." the chain is about 20 lbs, give or take. So I don't know and that is why we will only count how many clusters we have added for record-keeping purposes. IE 315 lbs on the bar with four clusters of chains per side. Bands? Who the fuck knows? Depends on how stretched they are. For the record-keeping purposes, we will go with BAR weight AND the big ass bands, the not as big ass bands, the medium ones, or the skinny little twerpy ones and dental floss."
All bars weigh 45 lbs regardless of weight unless they are modified for people not that strong. Those don't count!
We count the bar weight based on 45 lb plates and 25 lb plates. Yes, we will USE 10,5, and 2.5s but we don't count them. No one in my gym benches 425. They may do 405 on their way to 455 using the dimes, nickles, and kitchen sink washers, but we don't count them.
I suppose because I'm wired differently, everyone that trains with me becomes goofy fucks too.
I LOVE the folks in my program. They are ALL twisted and don't count chains and band tension anymore.
Today's Training:
Cycle: 28 mins
Dynamic Squat: 10x2x55% of max wt PLUS a shit ton of chains
Dynamic Deadlift: 10x1x a bunch of kilo weight that was left on the bar PLUS bands.
Str8 Leg Deadlift: 4x10
Walking Lunge: 100 each leg
Cycle: 26 mins