The older I get, the more difficult progressions become. I am not getting bigger therefore between that, age, and training years, progressions are difficult to come by.
For the above reasons as well as recovery, I have been following 5’s Pro, Boring But Big. My training maxes and assistance are on the lower side.
Since coming off a rough patch last fall, my body has felt really good since December. Now I’m looking to make some progressions.
Although not in line with 5’s Pro, I have added a few AMRAP sets to my program. On week 2 I finish with AMRAP on the bench and squats. On week 3 it’s overhead press and deadlifts.
I have all capped at 10 reps. If I hit the 10 reps on those AMRAP sets I can make 5 lb jumps on the next month’s upper body numbers and 10 lbs on the lower. And so far, so good.
For next week’s installment, I’ll go over my assistance progressions.