Interesting day today in my gym. I had a couple of young (early 20's?) guys come in who wanted to train. They were visiting from out of state.
I introduced myself to each of them as I do with any "guest" and started to give them my instruction as to what is expected and how we do things in my place when out of the blue, one guy interrupted me to tell me he was a "Powerlifter" who has a coach and has his program and all he needed was a bench and some equipment for accessory work.
I thought to myself, "Hmmm, now if I were visiting another person's gym and the owner is a pretty known "Coach", I might humble myself and see what this fella could teach me if he's willing.
Not so, with this one guy.
I told him to have at it and let me know if he needed anything.
I went back to my groups and supervised their session while this "guest" was going about his Bench routine.
Since he was built like a pipe cleaner, and his weight never escalated higher than my beginners, I questioned if he was perhaps doing more of a "Dynamic" workout.
Since his bench was mimicking old people fucking (slow and ugly) I concluded one of two things if not both:
- His bench was ugly
- His coach sucked
- or both
Hey boys and girls, if you are taking guitar lessons and Carlos Santana shows up to "jam" with you, it might be a good idea to shut your mouth, know your role, and learn something!
Now I'm not Carlos Santana, but since I am a Coach here on EliteFTS I think I might know a thing or two about training. Shit, I bet HIS coach is reading this right now and has no idea that his kid could have trained with me.
Kids these days...God Bless them.
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
AirDyne: 5 mins steady; 10x15/45
Incline DB Chest Press: 4x12
Dynamic Bench: 10x3
3 Height Position Push-ups: 3x10 in each of the three elevations
Rope Push-downs: 3x15
1/4 Dips: 3x15
Cycle: Commute