I don't usually post the workouts I do by myself. (although some of my sickest thoughts take place in these sessions) But today's workout got me to think of a few things that got me to where I am at this very point in time.
I was hemming and hawing on this early Saturday morning about IF I should run or AirDyne.
Normally, I get up way before the sun, and people populate the park behind where I live, but today was different. I was so darn comfortable being a sack of potatoes with my dog laying on top of me, that I was NOT motivated to move.
My mind drifted to a David Goggin's podcast that I just heard and that was EfuckingNUFF to move me to a decision...RUN!
While I warmed up for my 12x50-yard sprints, I thought about my cousin, Ed, who was closer to me than a lot of brothers are.
He didn't live too far away and we spent a tremendous amount of time together.
He was two years older than me and a lot taller! By the time we were in high school (he went to a rival high school because I lived on "the other side of the line") he stood 6' and weighed about 180-190 lbs, where I stopped growing tall at about 4'5" (but I do weigh 202).
Whenever we would play a sport, ANY sport, he would command me to play as hard as I could to make it competitive for HIM!
Even when I knew it was futile, he would BARK at me to "try harder". When I would ask him, "What's the point? I'm getting my ass kicked!" He would retort, "Do it, BECAUSE I'M BIGGER THAN YOU AND I FUCKING SAID SO!"
I would continue to give it my all and have my ass handed to me and then we would hack around and everything would return to being "alright".
Why do I bring this up? Why is it important that I got out of bed and changed my attitude in a heartbeat? Because!
Understand this, I am all for "Science-based training". I went to school to understand the WHYS of training. But even with everything I know from Biology, Physiology, Kinesiology, Exercise Physiology, and Bio-mechanics, to an array of other 'ologies the thing that is apparent more so than the actual scientific WHY is the little voice that sounds off in my head ..."Because I said so!"
Those four small words can rid me of ANY excuse for being undisciplined.
"I'm too tired"~ So, do it tired
"I don't feel good" ~ So, do it while you're feeling bad
"I'm too sore" ~ So, do it while you're sore
"I have too much to do" ~ So, do it when you get a break (or, no one is up at 3:00 AM do it then)
Because I SAID SO!
We can all make excuses as to why we don't do something. We can also overthink things scientifically. But how about this...Squat two days in a row! Why? Because YOU CAN Motherfucker!
How about running a three-mile trail route after a leg day? Oh Nooooo, that's going to hurt and be counterproductive...SO WHAT! Do it anyway because I said so. You won't die. You will feel like dog-shit, SO WHAT! It's not like you're going to do it this way ALL of the time.
Stop being such a skirt! No one ever drowned in sweat.
What will happen is that you will survive and you will build another layer of badassery and for the rest of the day you can feel like you made the TEAM!
Dust off your bicycle and ride it to the gym, chuck in a squat and lunge day, push the prowler, hop back on your bike, and ride it home. Take an ice-cold shower and then feel like a GOD for the rest of the afternoon!
And for goodness sake, zip your pants from the front, stand up when you pee, quote some John Wayne, and smell like a MAN! (unless you're a woman. then smell like a woman)
Today's Training:
Skips: 12x20 yds
Power Skips: 12x20 yds
Side Lateral Strides: 12x20 yds
Sprints: 12x50 yds x 75%