A lot of the things we, as veteran lifters, take for granted are virtually unknown to many today.
Things that we think are common sense are not, they were taught to us. I covered this a bit last week in my log Embrace the Culture.
That log by the way, got more response than any I have written. 90% of it was verbal and there was some on social media.
The overwhelming majority was 100% positive too. Give it a read if you have a chance.
So, back on track, I am going to pass on something that is common sense to me, but I know for a fact was taught to me by a veteran lifter many years ago.
How to properly chalk your hands.
Really Murph, you are writing a log on this?
I was reminded of the importance of this at APF Nationals a short time ago.
One of my lifters was having trouble with their grip and my friend Greg Daminga noticed that they were just playing in the chalk bowl, not chalking their hands.
It was hot, and humid, even in the hotel, we were in Florida. Moist and sweaty hands do not lead to a good grip and link with the bar.
Think about that.
Your hands are your link to the barbell. That is one of the most important connections that you have to make in order to be successful. A weak grip on any lift will come back to haunt you as the weights go up.
Greg looked at me and said something, I don’t recall what, but it was along the lines of “didn’t you teach her to chalk her hands”?
The answer was yes, but sometimes little things get away from you in competition. Greg asked if he could help and of course I said yes.
What we noticed was that she was just lightly coating her palms with chalk.
That doesn’t do anything.
You’ve got to cover the hand.
Greg brought up one particular point that I always do and I teach to my lifters and clients; GET BETWEEN THE FINGERS!
When chalking your hands you need to:
- Chalk between all of your fingers!
- Cover the entire palm thoroughly
- Cover the webbing between the thumb and index (nose picker) finger
- Cover the backs of the fingers and nails if you have Ham Hands that will wrap all around the bar and touch each other
- Cover the sides of all of the fingers and thumbs where they have skin to skin contact with any part of the hand
The last point may be new to you.
Open your hand right now and look at it.
Where do you chalk?
I bet it is just the palm.
Now, close your fist tight as if gripping the bar.
Do your fingers rest against one another?
They better.
Now, imagine if you were covered in sweat and your fingers started slipping against each other, even just a little.
Will your grip be as secure?
Doubt it.
Watch the video below for 5 Second Fix: Get a Better Grip Right Now
BONUS: FREE 4 Week Powerlifting Template
And as promised, here is a FREE 4-week training block from the TPS Method for Powerlifting.
This is what the team is currently doing.
They have a meet coming in December and they just finished a fairly grueling volume block.
This is the realization of the strength they just built over the past 16 weeks.
This block is centered around Intensity and no fancy movements.
Just hard work and results.
Oh, and….
TPS needs your vote.
We’ve been nominated on the Boston A List in three categories:
- Best Gym
- Best Personal Trainers
- Best Boot Camp
This is a popularity contest meaning most votes wins.
We are up against some BIG BOX gyms that have thousands of members and every vote counts.
If you like my logs and have a few minutes to spare, please give us a vote in one or all three categories.
The site is a bit confusing to vote on.
If you vote in one category, say Best Gym, you can go back to the Fitness category and click on the other ones, such as Best Personal Trainer and vote in all three.
Best Gym
Best Personal Trainer
Best Boot Camp
Ask me a question-Be sure and Type to Murph in the header
Find me on Google-search for Total Performance Sports Malden, Mass. The Best Gym in Boston, Facebook too.
Oh, yeah, follow us on Instagram too. TPSMalden
Vincere vel mori