Fact: 6.5% of all high school athletes make it to all the recommended summer practices. Guess how many High School athletes play in college? Yup...amazing! Six point fucking FIVE percent!
Run: 5K
Walk: 2 mile
Bike Commute: 22 minutes
Tier I:
Hex Bar Dead Lift: 4 RM up to a PRE of 80%
18" Single Leg Step Up: 4x12
Reverse Hyper: 4x12xHeavy
BB Curl: 4x12
DB Curl: 4x12
Tier II
Box Squat: 4x25x45
Split Squat: 4x25 each leg x 45
Box Squat: 4x25xBW
Rear Step Lunge: 4x25 ea. legx BW
Jump Squat: 4x25xBW
Jump Lunge: 4x25xBW
Should not take longer than 34 minutes
Lunch Crunch:
10 yards @50%
Forward Run: x 5
Left Side shuffle: x5
Right side shuffle: x5
Forward Lunge: x5
Sprint forward hit the brakes and back pedal at 90%
Pogo Jumps: 100 reps x 5
75% Effort:
20 yds x 6
30 yds x 6
40 yds x 6
50 yds x 3
60 yds x 3
70 yds x 3