Stem Machines, muscle stimulators, TENS units, are very popular in the at home self rehab scene. They are easily accessible, cheap, depending on the unit you purchase, and if used appropriately can decrease rehab time and increase recovery. However, there are some misconceiptions and misuse with this tool so i thought i would clarify if you are someone who frequently uses one.
What we are doing:
- Increasing blood flow
- decreasing pain by inhibiting smaller nerves by activating bigger ones
- Decreasing swelling or edema
- muscle fiber excitiaton of smaller muscle groups after injury or surgery
- decreasing muscle spasms
- Increased recovery through passive isometric muscle contractions
- We are not building muscle
- we are not healing tissue (this can only be done through movement with load)
- we are not increasing contractibility
- we are not increasing nervous sytem excitability leading to increased power or strength
These units are short term fixes and should not be part of a long term rehab program. They are best used during the acute phase of injury first 1 to 14 days. Hopefully this clarifys some misconceptions with the use and effectiveness of these tools. Remember, they are tools and should be used appropriately.