I used conjugate/Westside training for at least two decades. So for me, singles were always maxing out albeit with a different version of a standard squat, bench, and deadlift. In all my years I probably missed less than half a dozen lifts in the gym. I did however hit a shit ton of grinders.
When I started playing with Jokers while running 5/3/1, it's unsurprising that I treated them as maxes. I figured if I didn't miss the lift, it was a success and I never missed a Joker.
The big difference is that I'm no longer switching up lifts every week like board presses, box squats, etc as with conjugate. So I'd always be chasing the same singles with that max-effort mindset. In addition, I never hit the kind of volume with conjugate that comes with 5/3/1.
That same all-in mentality came with 5/3/1 PR sets. I mean come on, PR is a Personal Record, so doesn't that mean I have to do more every time?
Fast forward to now. I have been slowly rebuilding my base. I have been running my take on Jim's 5/3/1 Prilepin Dizenzo's 5/3/1 Mashup for 45 weeks without PR sets or Jokers.
What I have learned for me is that Jokers and PR sets are meant to be fun. I don't have to die on every hill. It's a way to add a little volume and intensity when done right. Also, on any given week they don't have to be done. Maybe a PR set is just one more rep than called for. A Joker, one single after my last set.
A constant reminder I get from Jim is that my advice is not for everyone. I am way beyond novice and am a grizzled old vet. Could a less seasoned lifter glean anything from this, quite possibly.
Here's how I'm running my Jokers and PR sets:
Prilepin Volume sets ex. Week 1, Monday Bench 85% done for a total of 12-24 total reps No more than 3-6 reps/set: I went 3x6 and 1xPR set
FSL/Dynamic work 5x5 Week 1, Wednesday 5x5, then Joker Sets
As you can see I do my main work and fsl work on different days. Also, I started my Prilepin program at an 80% tm and the lowest possible volume ex, 85% day 4x3 (12), and worked my way to full volume 4x6 (24) over many months. I'm just now adding in the Joker and PR sets.
I haven't been more satisfied with my programming in decades. Thanks for reading.