Very shortly I will be going for my two annual strength benchmarks: a 2x bodyweight bench and a 2.5x bodyweight deadlift. The bench is done with my legs up on the bench with a shoulder saver and the deadlift is done from 2” blocks.
I can do these two lifts without causing great disharmony to my body. I could probably do the bench with my feet down and the deadlift from the floor, but for who? The point of this paragraph is, if you are not competing, lift for yourself and within yourself.
The Program
Week 1
1 Bench 85% TM 3-6 reps/set for 12-24 total reps
2 Bench Joker Sets add 5% for singles until 90% of bench GOAL is reached
3a Dynamic Effort/FSL Squat 60% TM 5x5
3b Heavy Pullups/Chinups 85% TM 3-6 reps/set for 12-24 total reps
1 Deadlift 85% TM 3-6 reps/set for 12-24 total reps
2 Deadlift Joker Sets add 5% for singles until 90% of DL GOAL is reached
3a Dynamic/Effort Bench 60% of TM 5x5
3b Dynamic Effort/FSL Pullups/Chinups 60% of TM 5x5
Friday (Gap Day) 2 rounds of each superset 8-15 rep range:
1a Upper Push (dips, ohp, pushups, etc)
1b Glute Ham Dominant (ghr, back raise, leg curl, etc)
2a Row (any variety)
2b Quad Dominant (leg ext, RESS, lunge, etc)
3a Biceps (any curl variety)
3b Abs (ghr situps, ab wheel, hanging leg raises)
Week 2
1 Bench 90% TM 2-4 reps/set for 10-20 total reps *No extra sets
2a Dynamic Effort/FSL Squat 60% of TM 5x5 + micro bands
2b Heavy Pullups/Chinups 90% 2-4 reps/set for 10-20 total reps
1 Deadlift 90% TM 2-4 reps/set for 10-20 total reps *No extra sets
2a Dynamic/Effort Bench 60% of TM 5x5 + micro bands
2b Dynamic Effort/FSL Pullups/Chinups 60% of TM 5x5
Friday (Gap Day) 2 rounds of each superset 8-15 rep range:
1a Upper Push (dips, ohp, pushups, etc)
1b Glute Ham Dominant (ghr, back raise, leg curl, etc)
2a Row (any variety)
2b Quad Dominant (leg ext, RESS, lunge, etc)
3a Biceps (any curl variety)
3b Abs (ghr situps, ab wheel, hanging leg raises)
Week 3
1 Bench 95% TM 1-2 reps/set for 4-10 total reps
2 Bench Joker Sets add 5% for singles until 90% of bench GOAL is reached
3a Dynamic Effort/FSL Squat 60% TM 5x5 + mini bands
3b Heavy Pullups/Chinups 95% TM 1-2 reps/set for 4-10 total reps
1 Deadlift 95% TM 1-2 reps/set for 4-10 total reps
2 Deadlift Joker Sets add 5% for singles until 90% of DL GOAL is reached
3a Dynamic/Effort Bench 60% of TM 5x5 + mini bands
3b Dynamic Effort/FSL Pullups/Chinups 60% of TM 5x5
Friday - Off
This the peaking block I'm using in connection with my base training program Dizenzo's 5/3/1 Mashup The notable difference is, extra work will only be done on weeks 1 and 3. After I complete the volume on my main lift, I will work singles up until I hit 90% of my goal lift.
To do this I will only take 5% jumps. This keeps me from doing anything stupid and it's hard work. Taking singles is a skill and doing extra sets of them on the way up is great practice. Unlike Joker sets which I usually only take when feeling great. Here in this peaking block, they are a necessity. Time to dig deep and get it done.
After that, it's time to rest. I like at least a week off from training that’s why I took that last Friday off. If I were competing in a meet it would fall on the following weekend. For my testing, I will be making my lifts the following Friday. That gives me nine days of rest.
I will not perform any hard conditioning either. I’ll ruck on my usual days, but I’ll avoid the massive hill I usually take once a week. Also, I stated I won’t train, but that doesn’t mean I won’t go down to the gym. If I feel like taking the bar for a couple of sets, doing some pushups, pullups, etc that’s fine. It’s not a workout, it’s just to keep fresh.
The main focus for those nine days will be good sleep, good nutrition, foam rolling, and light stretching. Don’t do anything out of the ordinary. Other than that, I’ll get my head right and get ready to lift. I’ll let you all know how it goes.