Coming back from training with Rhodes and Wendler has me so excited to train. I have a really solid plan and am excited to move forward. I have spent the last 12 weeks building up my gpp and allowing my body to heal up, I'm ready! It's time to start the slow and steady process of building strength.
I figured the best way to start this is to set some maxes. I was going to base numbers off rep maxes, but to heck with that. Maxing out is part of the fun of strength training. Needless to say, I am not going to go balls out. I plan on going on an rpe of between 8 and 9. There will be zero chances of me missing a rep. From there I can establish training numbers.
For assistance I'll be doing core/leg work, push work, and pull work. Depending on the day some of the work might just be bodyweight or bands. I found great value in working the whole body each session while I was doing my circuit training. I believe working on all those angles and planes kept my body feeling good. I don't even really care about the weights I'm using, I just need to get some work done.
The rest time was one minute between all assistance sets. It kept things moving and made lighter weight feel heavy. Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention how glad I am that I was able to add some dips back in without irritating my shoulder. Baby steps.
So I got up to 275 on the seated ohp with the football bar. I'm happy enough with that number. I might have been able to get more, but I stuck to the plan. Now I have a place to start. Next up will be the squat on Wednesday. I can't wait!
-Seated OHP w/football bar, worked up to 275x1, 215x10
-Dips 3x10
-Rolling dbl tri ext 40 3x10
-Barbell shrugs 225 2x10
-Meadows rows 45 3x10
-KB swing 3x15
-Ab wheel 2x10
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