"As teens, we may have even said these words ourselves, but I definitely hear them uttered today as school is out for the summer, "What can we do? Where can we go?"
To which I respond,
"Go home. Mow the lawn, wash the car, learn a skill, get a job, visit your grandparents, visit the sick, learn something new in academics, and when you have finished all of that, READ A BOOK!
The town you live in doesn't owe you a recreational facility and your folks don't owe you a "good time".
The world doesn't owe you anything, including a living, YOU owe the world something.
You owe it your time, your energy, and your talent, so no one will ever be at war, in sickness, or lonely again.
In other words, "Grow the FUCK UP!" Stop breaching my rule #67 (no complaining). Grow a backbone and get rid of your WISHbone and start behaving like a responsible person.
You teens are important and are needed. It is far too late for you to wait around for someone to do something, SOMEDAY.
Someday is NOW and that person is YOU!
Now let's get to it!!!"
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
Concept II Row: 20 mins continuous
Belt Squat: 3x15;1x30
Leg Press: 3x15;1x30
Leg Extension: 3x15;1x30
Dead Hang: 55 seconds + 1 pull-up. (that's harder than it sounds)
Cycle: Commute
Run: Sprints: 5x100 yds after a good warm-up